This project was designed to keep track of a stores inventory as well as price to make keeping track of these things easier so a business owner can spend more time helping customers then making sure their Business is keeping up with supply and demand.
To run this source code you will have to have Node.js, dotenv.js, express.js, mysql2.js, sequelize.js, and an API platform such as insomnia or postman.
* To use this software you will need to add an env file with your password, username, and the database name of ecommerce_db
* Once you open the file location in your terminal you will need to run "npm i" to install the needed packages. Aftwerwords mysql to upload the database.
* Once the database is uploaded you can use "npm run seeds" to add your stores specefic data from a seeds database.
* Once your data base has been added you can use "npm start" to access the database and make changes as needed using your API software of choice.
* Michelle Blackwell github: https://github/Mblackwellgca
* NODE.js
* Dotenv.js
* Mysql2.js
* Sequelize.js
Licensed under the MIT license.